
Why the rich are getting richer
December 1, 2011
The New Economics Foundation have recently published a study on why the rich are getting richer. The report focuses on the last two years and looks at both social and economic causes. For those who have studies the writings of Henry George there may be a little disappointment that the authors did not take the […]

Four Horsemen at 6 Million Views
October 23, 2011
This excellent film is essential viewing. Leading lights in the intellectual revolt against the inhumanity and insanity of the global neoliberal regime, diagnose and remedy the causes and effects of inequality. It sets out the basis of a new social, philosophical and economic paradigm. The production quality is top rate and makes for accessible viewing […]
Land Banking
October 9, 2011
No one doubts there is a housing shortage in the UK but opinions differ on how to solve it. A culprit that is easy to blame is the planning system and the Government’s approach has been to attempt to relax planning rules. This has met with some opposition. In their campaigns against this relaxation which […]
Bonkers Land Tax
October 8, 2011
Land Value Taxation received a good airing in the FT this week. It started with an article by Tory MP Nicholas Boles who wrote a piece entitled: It sounds bonkers but we should embrace a land tax. Boles suggests that taxing land value is usually associated only with those not in the mainstream but he […]
Time for an upgrade
October 8, 2011
Mark Braund has a good blog on the renegade economist website. Mark is a journalist and author of the Possibility of Progress. He gives a rounded account of the fundamental economic changes need are so desperately needed. “While unearned wealth is both a symptom and a driver of economic injustice, the objective of transformative social change […]
Mirrlees Review
October 8, 2011
The Mirrlees Review the Institute of Fiscal Studies’ comprehensive review of the tax system chaired by Nobel Laureate has finally been published. It covers all aspects of the UK’s tax system and shows up how chaotic, irrational and unfair the present system is. The suggestions in the report are in the main a tidying up […]
Let’s find progressive ways to tax the winners in our trickle-up economy
September 9, 2011
There is a good article by Simon Jenkins in today’s Guardian. It is a response to the letter in the FT earlier this week demanding a reduction in the 50p income tax band. “whenever 20 economists put their name to a letter it is a near certainty that nonsense is being perpetrated.” Jenkins points out […]
Land Value Tax – An idea whose time has come
September 7, 2011
There is a very good blog on land value taxation at flip chart fairy tales by Rick. It sounds like the author has only recently come across the idea to he puts it very freshly. Te context is the present crisis of public finance and the need to reduce the deficit between public spending and […]
Land Value Tax petition
September 5, 2011
The Government has re-established its e-petition site. In August a petition was established on taxing land values: “To introduce Land Value Taxation, an annual tax on the rental value of land, as the chief source of government revenue to replace existing sources of taxation including income tax, VAT and Council Tax.” It is quite sensibly […]