Land Value Taxation in the News
September 5, 2011
Last week the policy strongly advocated by Henry George of taxing land values hit the front page of the British press. [see here] The Sunday Times [not available online without subscription] ran a column by Marie Woolf entitled “Lib Dems want a land tax on rich.” It suggest the Liberal Deomocrats are planning a new […]
How to Make Britain Grow – The Land Value Tax
August 30, 2011
In the July issue of the Magazine Prospect Pier Carlo , economist of the OECD, wrote an article on “How to make Britain Grow” offering advice on what the UK can do to get itself out of the situation where economic recovery appears to have stalled. He was broadly in favour of the cuts but […]
Who Owns our Green and Pleasant Land?
August 11, 2011
Focusing on the 10,000 acre Criche Estate in Dorset which has recently come on to the market this article by Rim Adam’s in last week’s Observer draws attention to the change in the buyers of high value UK landed estates in the last 30 years. Previously it was mostly inherited wealth that provided the funds […]

Land Use Futures Report
November 4, 2010
As part of its evidence, the Foresight project commissioned over 35 evidence reviews. These papers have been published in a special issue of Land Use Policy journal, Volume 26. The papers are listed below and can also be accessed on the Science Direct site.
Buy-to-let owners face losing trackers
November 4, 2010
THE country’s largest mortgage supplier is writing to 14,000 owners of buy-to-let properties telling them to start paying back the capital on their second home loans. Permanent TSB has told investors they will lose their tracker mortgages unless they begin paying back capital along with the interest. Some investors unable to meet capital repayments will […]
Councils plan for exodus of poor families from London
November 4, 2010
Ministers were accused last night of deliberately driving poor people out of wealthy inner cities as London councils revealed they were preparing a mass exodus of low-income families from the capital because of coalition benefit cuts. Representatives of London boroughs told a meeting of MPs last week that councils have already block-booked bed and breakfasts […]

Who Owns the Beach?
November 3, 2010
Residents of an area of Florida’s coastline have been up in arms after the state began adding sand to miles of eroded beaches in Florida’s panhandle. Homeowners said they should have exclusive access to the newly created beach as their property deeds entitled them to the beach at the front of their homes. The Florida Supreme Court ruled against them, however, saying that […]

More Economics Tutors Needed
November 3, 2010
Alongside the spring edition of Land and Liberty, the Editor encouraged me to send out a letter of invitation to HGF members to consider teaching Georgist Economics at the University of the Third Age U3A. Five people responded to the call and it looks as though at least two new courses may get started in […]
FT Puts Leader behind Land Value Tax on Eve of Budget
November 3, 2010
Not long ago it seemed almost impossible to get even a mention of land value tax in the British mainstream press, let alone a recommendation to adopt it. But times are changing. At first it was just a trickle of commentators advocating the tax. Then, on the 21st of June, the day before Chancellor George […]